Click her for the Background Information Document (BID) that introduces the proposed Beyers Street upgrades and provide detail about the public participation process associated with the Environmental Management & Maintenance Plan (EMMP) that forms the basis for the public participation process.

Our firm has been appointed to facilitate the public participation process necessary to inform the EMMP and decision-making about the proposal.

I am aware that some of you may already have submitted comment in response to this proposal directly to the Municipality.  I have requested for all submissions in this regard to be forwarded for my attention as well so that I can capture them and incorporate them in the Stakeholder Engagement Report.  Once I’ve captured all the comments I’ll liaise with the professional team responsible for the EMMP as well as the Mossel Bay Municipality to obtain their replies to each comment where necessary.  Thereafter I’ll distribute the Stakeholder Engagement Report to all registered Interested & Affected Parties so that you’ll have responses to your submissions.

From what I understand some of you may have already made recommendations ito alternatives (which will be captured and considered as part of the ongoing process) and various legalities with regards to the use of and/or agreements about the public road reserve along Beyers Street have also been put forward to the Municipality.  I endeavour to obtain all the necessary submissions that pre-dates our involvement to ensure that we can capture all the comments.

The project was advertised in the Mossel Bay Advertiser today and site notices will be erected along Beyers Street from next week for the duration of the December holiday to ensure that as many people as possible (both local residents and visitors alike) can participate and make contact with us should they wish to submit comment.

In the event that you are aware of any party who may be interested or potentially affected by this proposal, please provide us with their contact details so that we may contact them.  Alternatively please feel free to circulate this notification and the accompanying BID to any potential interested or affected party.

The formal commenting period will come to an end on 11 January 2019.  You are more than welcome to contact me directly should you have any queries about the proposal or the process.  Please do take note of the contents of the BID and please ensure that you consult the EMMP as well.  The details contained in these reports are important and should there be any shortcomings in any of the reports please do not hesitate to refer to such in your submission.

Your cooperation in this regard is highly appreciated and I look forward to providing you with information and assistance as the process progresses.

Kind regards,

Louise-Mari van Zyl

MA Geography & Environmental