During the Executive Committee meeting of July 3, 2012, Mr. Anton Dellemijn was elected chairman of the Association.  We wish Anton the very best for the new challenge to lead the Association.  The previous chairman, Mr Buks Pieterse, has resigned due to personal circumstances and we thank him for selfless service rendered during his tenure. George Nezar will continue to serve as Vice-Chairman of the Committee.

Lavinia Lunow was elected area representative of Fraai Uitsig in the place of Mr Martin Smith, who resigned after 11 years. We thank Martin for his valuable contribution over the years.

Mr. Jaco Hefer has resigned due to personal circumstances and we thank him for his contribution as area representative for Reebok Ridge.

Mr. Johann Muller was named area representative for Reebok (south of the railway line). We thank Johann and Lavinia for their willingness to represent the area.

Mr. Deon Hoon resigned in September for personal reasons and we thank him for his valuable contribution as area representative for Reebok.

The Executive Committee and Area Representatives are as follows:




FRAAI-UITSIG Charl Coetzer 044 696 5927 /
Lavinia Lunow 044 696 5179 /
LITTLE BRAK RIVER Charl de Wet 044 696 6446 /
Pieter le Roux 044 696 6112 /
REEBOK (south of the railway) Johann Muller 044 620 4120 /
REEBOK HEIGHTS Frik Nel 044 696 5947 /
Kruger de Wet 044 620 4268 /
REEBOK RIDGE Leon Kruger 083 610 0552 /
RIVERSIDE Terrie Terblanche 084 405 4055 / None
Des Muller 044 696 6022 /
TERGNIET Dawid Erasmus 044 620 3189 /
Anton Dellemijn 072 150 1823 /
TERGNIET HEIGHTS George Nezar 044 696 6421 /
Mike Wray 044 620 3820 /
SECRETARY AND TREASURER Dorothy Barnard 044 620 4399 /



As you are aware, a constitutional change was accepted during the last Annual General Meeting .In the past membership was obtained by paying an annual membership fee of R30 per family. The Constitution of the Association has been amended as follows:

“All property owners in the Midbrak area, that and are ratepayers to the Municipality of Mossel Bay are automatically members of the MBBV. Any such person has the right to resign as a member by submitting written notice.”

In the past the Association was managed as a non-profit association. That has not changed. In the future we will be depending on voluntary donations by members to enable us to continue our work in the community. An appeal is therefore made to property owners to contact the Secretary or any area representative for donations. Property owners in the Midbrak area, who were not previously members of the Association, are requested to contact the Secretary with their contact details.

We would appreciate it if you can inform friends / acquaintances / neighbours in the Midbrak area that the website now exists so that their details can be entered in the database

Donations can be paid electronically, but members are requested to please fax the deposit slip together with contact details, to 086 694 7860.

Bankbesonderhede is soos volg:

Begunstigde                               Midbrak Belastingbetalersvereniging
Bank                                           Nedbank
Tipe rekening                             Spaar
Rekeningnommer                       2506020276
Takkode                                     150605

Donations can also be mailed to Midbrak Ratepayers Association, PO Box 280, Little Brak River, 6503.


  • To ensure the interests of owners and residents of the Midbrak area are protected, within the framework of existing regulations and bylaws of local and provincial authorities.
  • To encourage an active interest of the residents in the management of the Midbrak area
  • To liaise with other local authorities or associations in the best interest of the Midbrak area.


As in the past, Alderman Kallie Smit (Ward 4) and Councillor Gibo Gerber (Ward 5), as well as several municipal representatives, attend the Committee’s monthly meetings. Positive cooperation takes place between committee members and municipal officials.


Although Ward Committees are independent of the Ratepayers Association Committee, it is gratifying to report that several members of the MBBV were re-elected to Ward Committees.  Representation of Ward committees is not limited to taxpayers, but disadvantaged groups such as Toekoms and Brandwag’s residents are also members of Ward. We confirm that the MBBV remain an independent entity.


6.1    Disposal points for garbage

An appeal is made to owners of holiday homes to dispose of their household waste at the dump rubbish disposal points specially built by the municipality. These points were erected as a service for people whose departure dates does not coincide with the scheduled collection days of the Municipality. The location of these dumping points are at the Beach Road ablution block in Tergniet  and the other one is at the entrance to Little Brak River Water Works. The facilities are opened and closed in the mornings and evenings and waste is removed on a regular basis. Roof structures must still be provided.

6.2    Upgrading of Kusweg (Beach Road)

Good progress has been made in the reconstruction of Beach Road. Residents were pleasantly surprised with the excellent work with the establishment of walkways and parking areas. As you are aware, this is a project that will run over a number of years. Approved budget of the municipality for completion of the project are as follows:

2012/13 – R1,4 million

2013/14 – R1,5 million

6.3    Municipal budget for 2012/13 to 2014/15

Budget for projects in the area are as follows:








Rebuilding of Dolphin Crescent, Tergniet 450 000
Rebuilding of Van Zyl Street, Tergniet 1 000 000 500 000
Rebuilt of OLCKERS STREET (Little Brak River) turning circle 150 000
New electrical network 500 000 500 000
Parking areas (excluding those already paved in Reebok / Tergniet) 450 000 550 000
Storm Water Management c/o Third Avenue and Swart Street, Tergniet 300 000
Sewage – Midbrak Network 2 000 000 1 000 000



7.1    Sewage project

Good progress has been made in the preparatory work for establishment of a proper sewage network in the area. According to planning of the Municipality, the entire network should take about 8 to 10 years to complete.

The construction of the pump station in Tergniet was completed by the end of June 2012. It is a closed unit, fenced and does not impact on the aesthetics of the environment.

7.2    Erosion of river bank at Riverside

This is one of many problems in the Riverside area and involves input from National Departments, Provincial and Local Authorities in the Working Committee. The comprehensive implementation of the framework for Disaster and Risk Management Act by the Mossel Bay Municipality for this area is vital to address the overall Riverside problem. The Restoration and Conservation Plan of the Klein Brak Estuary is currently on hold due to a lack of finance and cooperation between interested parties.

7.3    R102

On August 31, 2012 at 10:00 am, the Chairman, Councillor Gerber and Anton Steen­kamp of Eden District Municipality, visited problem areas on the R102 and the following actions were taken:

Availability of funds delays many projects.

The dilapidated condition of the road was confirmed.

Below is the Provincial Government’s long-term planning. It can be brought forward or moved depending on availability of funds (according to a letter of Mr. Anton Steenkamp dated 23 August 2012):

  • Main road 348 from the intersection with Great Brak/Airport road up to kilometre 11,00. It is approximately at the last entrance to Glentana heights. The rehabilitation of the road is planned for 2013 and would be completed by 2014.
  • Main road 344 (R102) is scheduled for rehabilitation from kilometre 1,71 Hartenbos up to Kilometre 14,84 Great Brak River. It is planned for 2015 and will be completed by 2016
  • Divisional road 1578 from the bridge over the N2 up to Impala Road intersection.

This portion will be rehabilitated together with Main road 344, to be completed by 2016.

Da Gama Street’s entrance has been cleared for 300m for better vision.

Eden District Municipality will erect traffic signs at Wildeperske Street and the sight will be cleared by 300m.

Road at Wildeperske Street will be restored with the next upgrade of R102.

Entrances at Toekoms, Groenkloof / Tergniet will be .cleared by 300m

Storm water problems at Riverside (Munro’s cafe) will be addressed by providing storm water drainage. Stop streets and bumps requested are not possible.

Speed limit signs will be erected.

7.4    Petrol station in Fraai Uitsig

It is our pleasure to report that the petrol station in Fraai Uitsig is under construction. It will be is a Total garage and should be completed by 4 December 2012.

7.5    Knock a Drop

An agreement was reached with the owner of the business to cease the service in the area. The move was necessitated due to increase in crime and because few homes have mailboxes. A free newspaper, (Eden Mosselbaai Express) is available at strategic points for residents’ information.

7.6    Disaster Management

To avoid any confusion over responsibilities for Disaster Management to occur, we would like to provide the following information below:

(a)    Overhead Eden Disaster Management Plan

It addresses the five (5) largest potential disasters identified by the National Government as far as the Greater Eden District is concerned. Funds for the administration and preparedness exercises are provided by both the National and the Provincial Government. Eden DM’s Disaster Management Division is the lead institution

(b)    Disaster Risk Reduction Plan for Greater Mossel Bay

It analyzes the potential disasters following national regulations as far as the Greater Mossel Bay area is concerned (e.g. flooding in the Great and Little Brak Rivers, fires at PetroSA, etc.). Resources, emergency numbers, housing, training etc. are addressed. It is currently being reviewed at directorate level before final submission to the Council. Fire Chief J Johnston and Wouter Jacobz (Eden Disaster Management) are the responsible officials.

(c)    Little Brak River Contingency Plan

It stems from the above plan and contains information specifically regarding Klein Brak River area.  It is updated at least every six months. Fire Chief and Mr. W Jacobz are the responsible officers.

7.7    Cleaners in the area

Not all cleaners in the area are employees of the Municipality. PetroSA appropriates funds annually for an entrepreneur to clean the area. The Municipality reviews the appointment / contract of the entrepreneur on an annual basis. Municipal workers can be identified by their municipal clothing.

7.8    Disposal of Erf 264 and 271, Reebok

Objections to the proposed sale of the land were submitted to Eden District Municipality. A Legal Process between Mossel Bay Municipality and Eden District Municipality ownership is currently in process.

7.9    Zoning of agricultural land between R102 and N2

Objection to the possible zoning of agricultural land for the development of low cost housing was submitted during May 2011. Finality is still outstanding.

7.10  Relocation of Powertown

Rumours were spread that residents of Power Town intended to occupy the land between R102 and N2. In our opinion the information is false. This is an extract from a quote by Mr H Hill, spokesman for the Mossel Bay Municipality that appeared in Mosselbay Advertiser of June 1, 2012.

“Dit is ‘n ou wolhaarstorie wat blykbaar nou weer opgeduik het.  Daar is geen verandering in die herhaaldelike gepubliseerde plan om die inwoners van Powertown na ‘n perseel op Hartenbos Landgoed te skuif nie.”

7.11  Power outages

Experienced several outages were experienced during the past few months.

At a committee meeting held on July 3, 2012, Mr. William Olivier, the newly appointed Manager: Network Services of the Mossel Bay Municipality, gave the assurance that interruptions could not be foreseen or be prevented. The Committee is fully informed about the municipality’s planning for the upgrading of networks over the next 3 years.

7.12  Noise pollution on the N2

A portion of the N2 from Great Brak River to Mossel Bay was resealed during the past year.  Many complaints were received from residents about the increased road noise since the upgrading of the road.

Although the Mossel Bay Municipality is not responsible for the N2, the matter was taken up, on behalf of residents of the area with the Municipal Manager. The Roads Agency, SANRAL after a number of tests they undertook to add a topping on the road.


Deforestation guidelines were recently revised. Because the issue raises many questions, we thought it appropriate to include an extract from a letter from Mr. André Strauss, the contractor the Municipality appointed to clear properties:

“Daar is ongelukkig nie ‘n maklike antwoord op die vraag van ”wat mag en wat mag nie”; veral aangesien dit nie net die Dept van Bosbou is wat betrokke is nie maar ook die Dept.Omgewingsake en in spesifieke gevalle ook ander departemente.

Soos voorheen gemeld was verteenwoordigers van die Munisipaliteit onlangs in gesprek met verteen­woordigers  van die Departemente van Bosbou sowel as Omgewingsake en is voorstelle aan hulle gedoen om oor ‘n toekomstige makliker werkwyse ooreen te kom.   Ons voorstelle word tans deur hulle oorweeg in oorleg met ander rolspelers [aan hulle kant]  en verwag ons om eersdaags van hulle te hoor.   Ons het hulle ook gevra om ons Riglyne vir Ontbossing, wat spesifiek die aspek van brand­gevaar aanspreek,  te hersien om by hulle voorskrifte aan te pas.  Eers dan sal ons terugvoering kan gee aan erf eienaars, ons kontrakteurs en belangegroepe soos uself.

Die algemene reël is dat net indringer plante [in die meeste gebiede]  sonder ‘n permit verwyder mag word.

Ongelukkig kan dit nie as ‘n algemene reël aanvaar word nie aangesien indringerplante wat in dig be­boste inheemse ”kus- of duinkreupelwoudkolle”  voorkom [waarvan daar heelwat in die groter Mossel­baai is] nie as ‘n wesenlike brandgevaar beskou word nie en as sulks nie sonder ‘n permit of lisensie verwyder mag word nie.   Voorts is permitte [wat rehabilitasie programme kan insluit]  van die Dept van Omgewigsake nodig as selfs inheemse plante ontbos moet word in bepaalde areas soos by erwe wat teen hellings geleë is,  op duingrond,   na aan die hoogwatermerk, langs die kuslyn; naby rivier­oewers; vleilande en verskei ander gevalle.  Hier gaan dit oor die versteuring van die bodem en moontlike gronderosie.




Op die oomblik word daar net kennisgewings vir die verwydering van indringer plante gestuur aan eienaars van erwe waarvan daar met redelike sekerheid bepaal kan word dat dit nie ‘n oortreding van die Wet op Bosse of NEMA – EIA Regulasies sal wees nie.     Die  Ontbossingskontrakteurs wat in baie gevalle die erwe namens die erf eienaars of die Raad skoonmaak het opleiding van die Dept van Bosbou ontvang.   Waar hulle versoek word om plante te ontbos waarvoor permitte benodig word, doen hulle self by die Departemente van Bosbou of Omgewingsake aan vir die uitreik van die nodige lisensies en permitte.   Ongelukkig is dit ‘n proses wat ‘n rukkie duur en heelwat admin vereis.

Ter inligting kan gemeld word dat daar baie versoeke ontvang word vir die verwydering van alle plante wat as skuilplek vir misdadigers kan dien.   Daar is groot begrip vir dié versoeke  en in die verlede het die ontbossingskontrakteurs, in oorleg met erf eienaars,  benewens indringer plante,  ook inheem­se plante gesnoei om aan die versoeke te voldoen.   Ongelukkig was daar heelwat klagtes ontvang van ander inwoners en bewaringsgroepe wat gekant is teen die ontbossing van leë erwe veral as gevolg van die versteuring van die natuur, die dierelewe en voëls in hulle omgewing.

Een van die erwe wat onlangs skoongemaak is na aanleiding van klagtes van een van u lede,  is juis so ‘n geval; en het die buurman aan die anderkant van die leë erf ‘n klagte ingedien oor die ontbossing van die erf.   U sal dus begryp dat tot tyd en wyl daar nie oor ‘n ander werkwyse ooreengekom is nie slegs indringer plante [in meeste gevalle] verwyder kan word en dat permitte aangevra moet word vir alle ander gevalle.”

We will keep you informed once we have clarity on the deforestation process.

9.      STRAY PETS

Residents are urgently requested to adhere to Municipal Regulations regarding pets. It often happens that dogs without their leash interfere with walkers. Stray cats are the biggest problem as it threatens bird species. Cats without collars (bells) are illegal and should be treated as game.


Additions were made to the Building Regulations and the Municipality will bring it to residents’ attention with an awareness project

Mr. Abdul Coleridge is the newly appointed building inspector in place of Mr. Frans de Graaff who recently resigned. Congratulations to Mr. Coleridge on his appointment.


As you are probably aware the Neighbourhood Watch, under the chairmanship of Mr. Len Rauch, functions exceptionally well. However, without individual cooperation, it will not be possible to continue the good work. Residents are requested to please contact Anton Dellemijn (072 150 1823 or email: ) for more details.

Members on the Neighbourhood Watch database receive regular email/sms messages on crime issues, such as suspicious movements / persons.

Residents are requested to inform the Secretary of the Neighbourhood Watch when people (other than site guards) are dwelling on building sites .If our members are  aware of such cases, it must be reported in order for the Building Inspector to investigate.  Contact Lavinia at 076 700 2521.

According to the latest crime statistics, crime has in the decreased Midbrak area.

Residents are invited to contact the charge office at the Police Station in Great Brak River any time of the day / night in the event of problems.  Contact numbers: 044 620 3361/2206.

Owners are requested to give serious attention to their own unique security situation.

Residents are requested to report all incidents of crime, as it enables the Police to determine the criminals ‘ strategy.


Residents are encouraged to make use of the Mossel Bay Municipality’s SMS line 37285 to report any problems.


Will take place on Monday, December 17, 2012 at 10:00 in the Reebok Community Hall.

Thank you for your continued support.

Midbrak Ratepayers Association Management